Celtic Trinity Turquoise 02 Gemstone Pendant


The Celtic Trinity holds meaning to both Christians and
non-Christians, but their definitions differ based on personal beliefs.
Christians believe that the three points represent the three elements of
the trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Pagans, which
are basically modern offshoots of the original
Celts/Druids, take a more tellurium approach to the symbolism, seeing it
as a representation of the natural forces: earth, air, and water. On a
more spiritual level, it has also been known to symbolize life, death,
and rebirth. There are also several other meanings that basically boil
down to one thing: three separate entities that are inter-connected.

Turquoise is beneficial to the overall well being and soundness of one’s mood and emotions. It aids in communication and spiritual expansion.  Turquoise is said to open all chakras, allowing the stones power of love and communication to flow through your entire being. However, healers associate it primarily with the Throat or 5th chakra. This Chakra is the center of communication, creativity, serenity and spiritual bonding. Turquoise can also benefit the operation of the Heart Chakra by opening it up for giving and receiving love. On the brow Chakra, it strengthens the connection to Great Spirit.

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