Evolution lapis lazuli 03 Gemstone Pendant


This design appeared in a field near Tegdown Hill in Wiltshire, England
on the 17th of November, 2003. The center of the design contains the
seed of life. From the six points of the petals we have two concentric
circles. According to “The Keys of Enoch: The Book of Knowledge” by Dr.
J. J. Hurtak. in other planetary zones we use concentric atoms.
Wearing this design may aid you in raising your consciousness to higher

Lapis lazuli is dark blue and has these qualities. It brings inner peace and freedom from negative thoughts. It carries the vibration of inner “king” or “queen” that lies buried within each one of us. When working or meditating with Lapis Lazuli, it can bring matters more clearly to the mind. It is one of the most powerful stones and should be used with care. Wearing lapis lazuli can help you to become a channel. The ancient Egyptians used Lapis Lazuli as a symbol of truth.

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