Galaxy red jasper 03 Gemstone Pendant


This design appeared in a field on Milk Hill in Wiltshire, England
on the 12th of August, 2001. This is one of the most amazing crop
circles ever. Six football fields big. 409 circles in total with 68 in
each arm and one in the center. To me this demonstrates a completed
galaxy in all its arms and stars. A prize of 50,000 pounds has been
offered in England for anyone who can duplicate this design overnight.
Wearing this design my aid you in completing yourself and your projects.

Red Jasper can help enhance one’s endurance and stamina.  It can work over time to increase the amount of chi, or life force, in one’s energetic field.  It strengthens the root chakra and strengthens one’s connection with the Earth.  It enhances memory, especially of dreams and inner experiences. It aids in manifesting creative ideas.

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