Metatrons Cube quartz 02 Gemstone Pendant


To make Metatrons cube, begin with The Fruit Of Life – draw 13 circles – curves describe feminine energy, so to manifest something. This is a figure intended to describe creation – so we must add masculine energy, represented by straight lines. Encapsulated within Metatrons Cube are all
of the five known Platonic Solids – Key Sacred Shapes: a Cube, a Tetrahedron, Octahedron, an Icosahedron, and a
Dodecahedron. Erasing the lines in certain ways gives rise to each shape.

Quartz provides programmability and amplification of one’s intention.  It also aids in memory enhancement and psychic abilities.  Quartz is also a stone of Light, bringing heightened spiritual awareness to whoever wears, carries, or meditates with it.


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