Releasing rhodochrosite 02 Gemstone Pendant


This design appeared in a field next to Upper Upham in Wiltshire,
England on the 1st of August, 2007. The six cubes nearest the center
form a small star tetrahedron. The six cubes expand to twelve more
cubes. The cubes are surrounded by 36 triangles that repeats 3 more
times for a total of 144 triangles. I see the center star tetrahedron
expanding and releasing thee energies. Wearing this symbol may aid you
in releasing whatever is holding your back.

Rhodocrosite energies aid in emotional healing, recovery of lost memories and forgotten gifts, and compassion. Pink is the color expression of love. Rhodochrosite is a powerful heart healer, forming a bridge between the lower chakras of fire and the upper chakras of water. It allows one to recover one’s sense of playfulness and joy in life. It soothes the heart and comforts the soul helping one claim one’s rightful powers and be everything one was meant to be.

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